Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Fast track, slow track

So I guess I'm taking the super slow route back to the gym and running thing. I went once last week and called it!

I did achieve ridiculous soreness that restricted my ability to sit on the toilet without holding onto the sink and towel rack, though. Which is totally great in my book. I tend to grade my workouts on how sore I am the next day.

So the goal is to run for 5 minutes and add 5 each week. So each day at the gym, hopefully 4 days, I would work up to the normal 30 or minutes I previously was running and then add in a long run once a week.

Today I ran 10 minutes, and could have done way more, but hey I'm lazy! I guess the whole lung bleeding sensation really was a chest cold I was experiencing last week.


I bought new running shoes, Newtons, lower heel. Will post details when i get them!

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