Monday, November 29, 2010

Rice and tofu casserole

Casseroles are great, cause pretty much if you dump enough stuff and bake it with some sauce, it's going to turn out great!

This is my tofu casserole recipe designed to use up broccoli. Though just about any veggie would be good.

Brown rice crust
use about 2 cups cooked brown rice
season with a little salt, or tamari or braggs
sprinkle with nutritional yeast or sesame seeds
press into a pie crust or casserole dish
Bake at 375 for 20 minutes or until it starts to crisp

Tofu filling
1 block silken tofu mashed
3 cup chopped broccoli
2 tablespoons brewers yeast
3 tablespoons braggs
mix together and set aside

In a saute pan cook
1 whole chopped onion
3-4 cloves garlic
5-6 chopped mushrooms
add to tofu mixture

Mix 1/3 cup whole wheat flour with 1 cup plain soy milk or veggie broth
Add to hot saute pan and cook until just thickening
Add to tofu mixture and stir well

Taste the mixture and adjust seasonings.
Pour mixture into pie crust pan and bake at 375 for 1 hour

In the last 5 minutes broil until the top is browned.

This recipe is good to add more veg or different veg. Or add grated vegan cheese to make it creamier.

I served this one over a bed of spinach. I'm a big fan of fresh veggies mixed with cooked veggies.

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